Support Ukraine 

Super8 killed JINGvsCOVER

Fight Contribution
Super8 [Bugstian Es mi Puta]

Item Power: 1377

33% Damage
0% Healing
Lubre [Soul of Gold]

Item Power: 1424

30% Damage
0% Healing
Massacreitor [Soul of Gold]

Item Power: 1585

21% Damage
0% Healing
rickaM [Soul of Gold]

Item Power: 1462

16% Damage
0% Healing


Killer Item Power


Kill Fame, 2024-03-26 03:36 UTC


Victim Item Power

Victim's Loot

Players Feud

Date, UTCKillerVictimFame
26.03 03:36Super8JINGvsCOVER230.4k

Guild Feud

Date, UTCKillerVictimFame
26.03 03:36Super8JINGvsCOVER230.4k
23.03 05:05TeostraDXcristo46pher14.9k